Well the thing that gets me is ... its always the wrong threads that survive. You're on A2K, its late at night - you spend an hour or two or even three - post a bunch of intriguing news stuff from around the world that made you look up and go, hey - interesting, who would've thought - you spend some serious time writing something beautiful, or kind, or awfully clever, or something that involved some actual researching - and oh, once your attention is spent and you're just filling time before you head off for bed, you also still shoot off two or three off-hand remarks, perhaps caustic or throw-away stuff on the ever-repeated hot-button topics.
Next day, you wake up, you get yourself ready for the day, and you check into A2K, curious, kind of eager, with some anticipation - will anyone have reacted to that interesting news story? Perhaps made a contribution that'll make me think, in turn? Will they have gotten my clever joke? Will they have liked that post I spent so much time writing last night? Will anyone have recognized that vulnerable feeling I expressed in the other post?
And you go to Your Posts, scroll down - there's no answers to your news posts/threads - your elaborately crafted personal mail is followed-up by a random, unrelated one-liner and nothing else - but over on the hot-button thread, there, your throw-away remark has had people falling over in scornful discussion or in argumentative challenges to you, for pages on end perhaps.
This happens to me time and over, and time again. It's bloody exasperating, deflating.
Am I the only one? Am I really so different from everyone else? Or do people naturally veer towards that which will allow them to get worked up about something, to get righteously indignant or echo strident partisan talking points, rather than to something that might provide a gentle smile, or a thought-provoking notion?
(Nothing in particular today or yesterday that brought that up, just - in general - been bothering me, again, lately.)
Hi nimh,
I wanted to reply to your post here, although I don't venture onto the news or politics boards anymore ( I have to stop myself) because I know damn well that I'll end up depressed by people's flippancy or plain meanness.
However, there are times when I think - (like now) that I want to support someone's comment or thoughts and let them know that someone is listening.
In truth I could talk about politics all day. (If I had the guts.)
As it is, I guess I use poetry as a valve for that.
Wish I could be braver and more supportive of posters such as yourself,
who have some very interesting and spiritually advanced things to say.
Keep up your good work
A2K has been real boring lately.
Where has all the fun gone?
I hate these lulls.
nimh wrote:Well the thing that gets me is ...<snip>
ya know.
i had a good comment going..
done fur-got it
It's sum-sum-summer time. I know my participation has taken a nosedive, I think it's probably common. Fewer people posting = lull. (Not counting those Chinese students, nice idea Beth, would be great to see them helping each other. "I just asked that question and got this answer [....], so hey what do you think about [....]?") (Also not counting the bile-venters in politics and elsewhere, who, yes, are happiest when they see something to pounce on. Pff.)
Have you guys seen this? Things will be shaken up soon enough, I reckon...
Sorry about that, nimh. You often point up events we would otherwise be unaware of, and usually with more detail than most of us could or would dig out for ourselves, but how to respond? "How horrible", "Great news"?
Anyway, comment, discuss, argue, or not, your stuff does get read by me - except maybe the throw-aways. Which isn't at all fair; I recall tossing out something on normalizing relations with Cuba, expecting nothing in return. You, or possibly fbaezer (it was a long time ago) gave me a magnificent essay in return.
Don't give up, dude.
nimh wrote:...Depressing.
You know the maxim, Nimh, casting pearls before the swines...
I'm diving in, and trying to find out what the Chinese students had for breakfast.
soz said it : "summertime ... " , even too lazy to fill in the rest .
the (old style ) investment gurus have a similar saying :
"sell in may and go away ... " ,
because they felt that the stockmarket wouldn't do much in the summer , and they'd rather spend their summer at the cottage fishing than chasing the stockmarket .
speaking personally , we spent a lot of time in the garden and sittting on the patio , snoozing , reading a good book and enjoying a cuppa and some nice pastry during the summermonths - the last couple of days we didn't go back into the house until about 7 pm .
but all is not in vain , you probably got more replies than you'd have received on a political subject !
"summertime ... ! "
ENDYMION wrote:Hi nimh,
I wanted to reply to your post here, although I don't venture onto the news or politics boards anymore ( I have to stop myself) because I know damn well that I'll end up depressed by people's flippancy or plain meanness.
However, there are times when I think - (like now) that I want to support someone's comment or thoughts and let them know that someone is listening.
In truth I could talk about politics all day. (If I had the guts.)
As it is, I guess I use poetry as a valve for that.
Wish I could be braver and more supportive of posters such as yourself,
who have some very interesting and spiritually advanced things to say.
Keep up your good work
Wow. That is ... very kind. You are too kind. I am ..
[size=8]a little shy now[/size]
But thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. You know I hold your writing in high regard.
Thank you too, Roger. I suppose you're right. I didnt mean to come across as whining, re-reading now I seemed to be. It's true I also sometimes see a thread, think "interesting", and move on. I will do more thankyou-ing or acknowledging <nods>. Cant let the pouncers and pounders consume all the oxygen.
I feel nimh, though.
On these incredibly goosey occasions, there will be four or so frantically blissful threads careening crazily long--laughter, biting humor and convivial comraderie among old cronies or a group of new people you've admired, but haven't really gotten to know... Having to keep the Windex by the screen...
Occasional nights like that make this place magic.
You don't expect it alot.
But, we can always (almost) count on hot threads or interesting conversation.
Except times like these. The malaise.
Not a complaint so much as my observation. It'll come around again.
I know what you mean nimh....sometimes I'm being so goddamned clever I can hardly stand myself...and what do I get?
ENDY....I don't know you very well, I know you left for awhile, but are now back, and I'm glad.
Let me apologize in advance for anything I will say either to you or in your presence that might sadden you. I'm 100% certain it will happen.
I'm harmless....nimh can vouche for that.
What'cha gotta watch out for, ENDY, is what she says in your absence.
nimh wrote:something that might provide a gentle smile, or a thought-provoking notion?
I'm one of the people that finds it difficult to express a gentle smile through a post, without it feeling kinda smarmy and somehow mood-disturbing, but I'll certainly give it a try.
There are often posts that cause smiles or nods, or oh yeahs, but how to say it without it lookin' weird ...
I know I've got a ton of posts, but I still read waaaaaaaaaay more than I respond to.
perhaps i should have made my entry under :" ...flag waving... " a new thread to cause a bit of a disturbance in the summer doldrums ?
"...U.S. lets hockey players skate to front of visa queue .
Immigration bill to give minor-league players major-league treatment ..."
U.S, senator susan collins - maine - has sponsored an amendment to the U.S. immigration bill that would give (canadian) minor league hockey players preferred status to enter the united states to play for a U.S. teams .
next time i'll cross the border i'll take along a hockey stick ; i'll probably get waived right through at the border (just kidding , never had any problem getting across the border - legally).
Chai Tea wrote:
Let me apologize in advance for anything I will say either to you or in your presence that might sadden you. I'm 100% certain it will happen.
Please don't apologize in advance for anything. Its my own problem and I'm dealing with the best way I know how. I think my recent decision to keep myself in Creative Writing is not just about my being overly sensitive - it's also I believe, an extension of my actual life.
I recently feel more and more inclined to withdraw from society. I wrote about it today on the death diary. The whole thing came out of looking at prisoner poetry -but nimh's post had something to do with it too. I get a lot of my material by listening to people....
.... Especially Roger :wink:
Anyway, back to the creative stuff ...
I completely forgot that I had been deified.
With the discovery of the Da Vinci Code.... does this make squinney the Mary Magdalene of A2K?
God, there'll be no living with her....
roger wrote:What'cha gotta watch out for, ENDY, is what she says in your absence.
I almost had him with my ackward double talk!