Tue 27 Sep, 2016 10:16 am
Please Help Me Out Of This Confusion
@Jesse The Comedian,
Jess the pantheist might respond, yes indeed and so are we
@Jesse The Comedian,
No. They are separate entities.
@Jesse The Comedian,
Yes they are p/o one entity
To me it doesn't make any sense that Jesus was or is God. For one he clearly was not aware of he was. A lot of statements attributed to Jesus don't make sense of he was aware he was God.
I like Alan Watts take on the idea of Jesus and God. He makes the argument that any person who has achieved an awakening mental state free of self attachment will make the statement that they themself are God. But for the church this would wreck havoc on its power base if it stressed this idea. So instead they empower Jesus to be divine nature source of God.
I personally think the whole thing is nonsense and more problematic than a solution to anything. The golden rule has been lifted and many uneducated assume only Christian dogma professed proper behavior and morality. It's clearly in error if you know Buddhist history. Not only did Buddhism arrive 500 years prior to Christian thought but none of the text process killing and justifying murder. Christian thought is infertile in every way to Buddhist thought.