The Inquisition. Dump poster attributes over 10 00 deaths to Savonarola but modern BBC research doesn't even find that TOTAL !!!
Here is the full documentary
Prisoners of secular courts would actually blaspheme so that they could be transferred to Inquisition prisons and escape the maltreatment of the secular prisons. !!!!!
In the entire sixteenth century, the Inquisition in Spain executed only about 50 people, which is contrary to the "Black Legend," which numbers the executions in the hundreds of thousands.!!!!
Of all the Inquisitions together throughout Europe, scholars estimate that the number of people executed ranged somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000. That averages, at most, about fourteen people per year throughout the entire continent over a period of 350 years.
Now don't you find that hate-filled liar to be most repulsive. I DO