Sun 5 Sep, 2004 01:21 pm
Edit (Moderator): Moved from General to Food and Drink. Please use the appropriate forums, this just adds work for us.
I'm not terribly clever about most aspects of the Cola Conflict. Usually, I buy what is on sale--Coke or Pepsi--providing that the sale item is cheaper than the generic brand.
After all, I rarely drink the stuff myself and Mr. Noddy is not a man of persnickity tastes.
Still, last spring or early summer I tasted Lime Pepsi and found it delicious. Unfortunately, Lime Pepsi doesn't seem to be on the supermarket shelves any more. Did I make it up? Did it really exist? Is it still available?
Never existed, Noddy. Purely a figment of your imagination.
I'm a wonder! Thanks for the disillusionment.
hi noddy, yes, i think you made it up.

i'm playing...i really don't know. sounds like a good one for googling.
While I am not much of a cola drinker, on the occassion when I do have such a drink I most always put in some Lime. Noddy, you, however, are a fruit-cake.
Noddy it was Diet Coke not Pepsi.
Personally--as do the best fruitcakes--I add rum to the cola, but if you prefer your own esoteric traditions....
Thank you! That explains why I haven't found it in the Pepsi section of the rack. Now, when Coke goes on sale.....
I am a shamless woman without Brand Loyalty and I must subject myself to a certain amount of capitalistic censure and ridicule because of my beliefs.
Again, many thanks. Coke went on sale and I'm sipping a Rum and Coke-with-Lime.
A delightful and refreshing thread Noddy.
Noddy24 wrote:Colorbook--
Again, many thanks. Coke went on sale and I'm sipping a Rum and Coke-with-Lime.
I'm glad you found it Noddy...rum and coke with lime sounds good :wink:
Would do, if I hadn't got extremely ill on rum at the age of 16 and havent been able to go near it ever since.