Sat 4 Sep, 2004 08:22 am
Find You Fate
My death day will be May 16, 2026
June 22, 2050??? That puts me at 87. I wish I felt that healthy!
January 12th 2070. Makes me 83. I can live with that
March the 9th, 2062.. which will make me about ninety...
A little over 80.
And I was planning to live forever.
You can forever live in someone's memory.
June 23rd 2049
i'll be 84 when i shuffle off this mortal coil...
April the fourth 2071!!!
F***en Hell. I don't want to live that long!!
Would anybody like to trade life for liquorice?
I think the best way to die would be at age 25 as I explore the underground caves of XetroPoltin and a cannibal hunts me down and eats me for his supper.
If anybody knows a way that this could be arranged, please message me.
i will die soon (2020)

I am arranging the funeral....
Don't arrange a funeral, let your kids do it for you. That would be a wonderful revenge, don't you think?
Mine says July 21st 2075. So... 91 1/2 years of age it says it will be.
Mine says 2046.
If I live to be 80-anything that'll be the first in my family!
I think this thing is a bit optimistic.
no, I think more biased than optimistic, I think that if you were 13, carnivorous, pessimestic, a smoker, etc, it would tell you you had a year to live.
just under 12000 hours and counting GOD