Fri 27 May, 2016 07:29 pm
I love my Samsung Note 4 but one of my biggest complaints is the atrociously terrible spellchecker/autocorrect/text predictor.
My last phone was a Microsoft Lumia. A beginner's smartphone that was underpowered and lacking in a viable app store. But the spellchecker/autocorrect/text predictor was phenomenonal. It actually learned my habits, favorite phrases, intentional mispelled words (for effect), etc....
Do any of you Android users have a better alternative? For instance, my phone loves the word, Phantom. Don'tknow why it's always offering it up when I haven't typed in the letter p.
It's randomly tries to capitalize random (nonproper names) words in the middle of sentences and makes my upper case letters lowered when I intentionally try to type out product names, etc....
Quote:atrociously terrible spellchecker/autocorrect
Tsar this seems to be the condition of the edit-programming clique that can't decipher such misspellings as "isd," "thenI," and "for[midable."