Hi, thanks for your reply... I am an American. My name Seizan is a combination of kanji given to me by my teacher when he accepted me - his only foreign deshi - into his dojo here on Okinawa in 1998. It is in fact a Chinese-Okinawan name, though I am neither Chinese nor Okinawan (Japanese).
The teacher of the founder of our karate system (UechiRyu) in Fuzhou China (where it was a kungfu system) was Shuu. I recently found a possible connection with a family named Xiao or Xiaou, and simply wondered if it might be the same family, perhaps another spelling of the familiar name "Shuu". The answer might be another piece that fits into the puzzle of the origins of our karate system. None of the modern practitioners I have spoken to know (I am in a very tiny minority that practices an older version of the system). So I am reaching out to others who have more knowledge of Chinese names (maybe via their deeper studies of older kungfu systems).
I take your assumption that I might be Chinese (and an expert on anything at all) as a compliment...!