JenA82 wrote:
What exactly is that "Wow" about? The texts were actually 2885 to back and forth between the two, and the rest to other people. Are you trying to say that is not a lot? or too much? Since his total text any other month are only 300 I think that is a big difference.
2900 messages?
If he were texting someone 16 hours a day for 7 days, that's more than 25 texts an hour, or 1 every 2 minutes or so.
Even if when you say "most", if the texts to this woman was only 51% of the 2900 total that's still 13 texts an hour, or one every 4 minutes. That's not even including texts received from her, or texts he made to anyone else, or received from anyone else.
So you notice the "wow" but can do the simple math above?
I'm all ears as to how in a 7 day period someone managed to send that many texts.
At first you said they were texts from him, now you're saying they are texts back and forth.
However it stands that for than many texts to be sent, there would have had to have been a text every 2 minutes 16 hours a day for 7 days
You did say all this occured within a week, which last time I looked was 7 days.
When did anyone have time to do anything else?
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you with logic.