i think legs
maybe smile.....
My age-defying complexion. When I tell people how old I am, they never believe me.
Wow! PD. Let's put it this way. They knocked my pc off line.
Osso, is one lovely lady with the hands of an artist.
Letty wrote:Osso, is one lovely lady with the hands of an artist.
What?! Have the police been notified?!!
(An official opology for that awful joke.


I could say the ear of an artist, but that, too, would be awful.
I hyave rewally biug thuimbs
Letty wrote:
I could say the ear of an artist, but that, too, would be awful.
Um, did she ever date Van Gogh?
cjhsa, is all thumbs. Fumble, fumble, fumble.
Well, fortune, folks in Venice say that she rides in them gondolas cause she is sorta like Venus de Milo.
mchol, We are just having some fun here. I think that is what happens when folks don't enjoy touting their wares. Modesty is our best asset, and believe me, that is a tactile thing.
Letty wrote:Modesty is our best asset...
Not all of us, apparently.
Oh, my Gawd, I did it again. I just stereotyped mchol! Sorry gal.
Well, mchol. It's not the first time that I have attributed characteristics to folks that were totally based on who I thought they were. I guess it's just human nature to have preconceived ideas. I even started a thread about it. Incidentally, your legs are fabulous. (damnit)
My eyes, my feet and my posture.
Letty wrote:Well, mchol. It's not the first time that I have attributed characteristics to folks that were totally based on who I thought they were. I guess it's just human nature to have preconceived ideas. I even started a thread about it. Incidentally, your legs are fabulous. (damnit)
I have too, and
most the time I feel terrible afterwards. And thanks...
Oh, my, piffka. I remember that when my father died, and he was being carried away, I looked at his feet and smiled. In my mind I thought. I got my Mama's legs and my Daddy's feet. How did that happen? As the Lionman would say, "the irony of it all."
<note to self> must lech at Piffka's feet next time I see her
I have my father's feet and my mother's legs also!
Odd, isn't it, eoe. In one of her more talkative moments. (quite rare). Mama told me, "I was always self conscious about my long legs. Then I discovered that your father loved long legs."
Beauty is a product of the times, I think.