Quote:Thank you Dale for replying.
Most welcome Ori
Quote:Do you know where Setanta comes from?
You might check his profile. However, "where he comes from" in my tongue has an entirely different meaning that has set me to giggling uproariously
Quote:He seems not law-abiding.
I suppose that depends upon whose laws where. His comments have indeed lately sparked a bit of criticism
Quote:He never tells it to anyone. Do you know why?
Sory Ori but with the esl often there's some misundersanding. Tells what
Edited to remark, maybe instead of "tells" you mean "explains". Hence are you asking why he never explains why he so often responds in certain ways
If so, it's merely his nature. If you do a bit of a search you'll find that recent discussion precisely upon this subject, in which surprisingly he's defended by several of our a2k'ers
...but thank you again for the opportunity to chat
Quote: I appreciate the United States. Do you think where I am?
Must be some country with tighter controls over its citizens, maybe China, N Korea, etc