Sat 19 Dec, 2015 09:59 pm
In the past, whenever I realized (through the traces left behind in the conscious world, the footprints in the snow), that I am subconsciously engaging, in dysfunctional, self-destructive cognitive behavior,
I would attempt to take command, by similar methods I would have used, to control and dictate any conscious process in myself or another person, that is destructive and harmful.
Obviously, I would consistently fail, since the lack of communication is denying any progress (Whatever tactic I would utilize, there was no way to manipulate the subconscious, into responding).
As a result, I would submit to failure,
Assuming there is no possible way to achieve transformation.
For years and years, I would raise my hands in frustration, concluding I will never be liberated from the prison of subconscious beliefs, reactions, and habits.
Until at one point in time, I became aware, about how the presence of fantasy in our environment, its contradiction with reality, and how we must somehow be capable, to recognize what is what, despite its confusing perfectly identical face, in so many scenarios.
I realized how paralyzed and incapable we would have been, without an available tool to instantly separate the two, allowing recognition.
When we observe, how people in a manic state of mind behave,
We then appreciate our awesome ability, to keep a distinction, somehow effectively marking our mental processes, as illusion. fantasy, or the observation and impression, of a real event and situation in our environment.
It dawned on me, that we probably store reality in a different folder or file cabinet, then fantasy. otherwise, we would lose track eventually.
It's . Exe, is also very contradictory and different than the ones of fantasy. and is likely activating different brain compartments and components as well.
Just like an excel file, will trigger the office program to activate, and a mp3 file will trigger media player to come alive.
It is that, which infused hope in me, that if we can install messages in the chamber of reality, which contradict and competes with what the footprints in the snow reveal to us, exposing subconscious harmful cognitive activity that must be existing and thriving in there.
If we can install messages in the fantasy folder, which describe the assumed subconscious scripts as fantasy,
Then, an active, engaged interaction, with our subconscious. is no more required, to harvest. complete, gradual transformation.
It is still important for us, to verify what our subconscious is up to.
For example, if you detect an abnormal void of emotional interest and energy,
An apathy towards your aggressors crimes against you for example,
You are aware of their violations against your basic human rights.
But it does not trigger the appropriate disgust, rage, hate, anger, etc.
That might indicate the active existence of tremendous self-hate and your resolution to deny yourself your basic rights yourself, and expect it to be violated, and accept it as appropriate.
So if you deny that you are infected with this bug, this might prove the subconscious existence of it, despite it's effective nonexistence in your conscious world.
Another possibility is,
If for example, this particular criminal, has enjoyed a long-term one-sided relationship with you, where he was deceivingly portraying as loving and caring.
While in reality, all he was loving, was himself exclusively.
all he was caring for, was his personal exclusive success. driven on his betrayal and the trauma of his victims.
Then, it's likely that, although you have finally learned about the true nature of his character and actions.
There is still a deeply intertwined subconscious loving connection, Despite all the incredibly hard work, you have done to demolish and clean your conscious mind, of that depleting attachment.
It would be very natural to deny any such allegations, since 1, there is no way to detect and verify subconscious processes directly.
2, the agonizing battle and its following victory, to cleanse your conscious in the past.
Produces all kinds of bias, to deny such demoralizing possibilities.
The above is an illustration, how tracing the footprints, can lead us to productive suspicion and consequent research and diagnosis, of subconscious viruses, interfering with our health and well-being.
To summarize,
If we let go of our programmed habit,
To make it a condition in our victory, that we first establish direct communication and control over our mental processes.
And permit ourselves, to expect effective resolution, through backdoor techniques.
Allowing the existence of contradiction, to pull off its trick, while also utilizing our talents, to manufacture fantasy, and to recognize fantasy as a technique to sabotage enemy programmed scripts in our subconscious (through relocating memories even real ones, but harmful in its conclusive messages, from the .reality to the .fantasy folder and executables),
Then, we can transform into the complete mind we need and long for,
Without ever battling our subconscious, directly.
as always, I am selling raw theory.
never accept any of that without first rebuilding it and modifying it to suit your unique requirements.
even then, please treat it as your own invention, so to eliminate potentially harmful trust in others which might infuse undeserving safety and a sense of a completed product ready to eat.
the above line, is even more urgent, when one comes to recall, how a reader never accurately finds the writers intended ideas, to a serious degree.
@think rethink,
Since you are relatively new to this forum you may not realize that most members have little time for long accounts of self analysis. Having scanned your account I suggest that reading the writings of 'Gurdjieff' on 'self', or Hesse's 'Siddharta', may be interesting and therapeutic for you. The relevant references are below.
Good morning,
Thank you so much for this,
Your input is highly appreciated and respected.