Okay, I'll answer only if I can change the parameters and give myself a round-trip ticket.
I wouldn't want to see the future. I wouldn't understand it, most likely, since I wouldn't know what had happened between now and then. Besides, the future seems to be galloping toward me fast enough as it is.
I'd visit the past. Not because of regrets, but because I'd like to find some answers, especially about family history. What exactly were the circumstances that led my great-grandfather to leave Ireland? Who were his family & relatives? Where did my husband's middle name come from (it's been handed down through the generations, but the meaning has been lost.) And so on....
As I said, I would pick now instead of past and future, but I would like to understand now much better than I do now or in the evermoving now.
Space ships and robots for me! All those phosisticated technolologies.... ah, I can dream can't I?
Future thinkers don't try to predict the future apparently.
(Where is that damned personal helicopter I was promised by Popular Mechanics!!?)
I just surfed through a site about the future of the Olympics,
musings as to whether in 2052 computer-athletes ought to be able to compete or in 2025 it would be good to hold the Olympics all over the world at the same time - six cities, one on each continent - all linked by the Internet. , I'm feeling a little cheated that I won't be able to a write a fierce series of emails defending the entry of the Canadian Basketball Team consisting completely of clones in 2123.
Hey, maybe you can clone yourself, Joe.
You mean so I can double date?
Joe Nation wrote:...computer-athletes ought to be able to compete or in 2025...
Would there be tests for RAM enhancing drugs?
I would have to go foward. Although my life isn't perfect I have a wonderful wife and a great family...I would hate to mess that up by doing something I wasn't supposed to do in the past.
I have nothing to lose, i'd go back to the past. Being 8 was wonderful. I was independant, and had no bills to pay!
And you'd have another shot at hitting that home run in the game against the sixth graders.