Mon 12 Oct, 2015 01:53 pm
My boyfriend (20yrs) of 2 years broke up with me to focus on school. I have been suffering from severe anxiety/ depression for years and during the time of our relationship, it was not being treated. I got worse near the end of the relationship (I was was starting to have feelings of committing suicide) and so when he broke up with me, something switched off in my head and i said and did things that were incredibly insane. I mean they weren't aggressive or anything of that nature, but they were insane. I went nuts (messaging him all the time, saying incredibly crazy lies so he can see me or give me attention and basically not leave me, I even brought one of his family members into my disastrous life...)
anyways he blocked me on all social media (as with his family member) and basically everything you can think of. i mean I dont blame him for doing that. I went crazy.. and it scares me how nuts i really am I was wondering what you would do if you were in this situation? would you legitimately hate me (he gives me and my friends death stares when we see each other at school) if you knew beforehand that i was suffering from a mental illness. Like would you unblock me or would you forever have me blocked? I don't want to get back together with him because i now know it was a very toxic relationship but I'm just curious if he would ever want to unblock me
would you ever want to make things right or want to understand wth went wrong with me down the road? or would you not even care one little bit?
I am receiving help. I am going to therapy and I want to go on medication however my doctors want me to do therapy first. I feel like it's not helping with my anxiety or depression but then again it only has been 1 month. I just hate how much of a disaster I am/turned out to be. I would have never predicted this happening to me (me going insane) I always thought I could handle my anxiety and depression myself but clearly I was wrong and I am now facing the consequences. Im just sick and tired of feeling like this. I hate how this happened to me. I don't want to feel like this anymore and it's been years! the breakup only made everything worse for me and I hate how he did this to me. I hate how low he made me feel during the relationship. I'm a complete disaster and my anxiety is preventing me from letting everything go. :/ My therapist makes me talk about everything and yet, it hasn't been helping me.
You have no idea how much I want to let him and the entire situation go but it's just so hard. I know I shouldn't use it as an excuse but I really can't control my anxiety and I feel like I'm never going to be able too...
well that turned into a completely different question then what I anticipated... oh well.
Cam, anxiety might have many causes, including chem, even prescription meds. In any cases try varying some of your long-established habits
All of the above, also, volunteer somewhere you can use some of your time to improve others' lives.
Looking outwards sometimes makes a difference.