Fri 23 Jul, 2004 10:33 pm
So i'm sittin' here, bored, drinkin' all by myself, and I'm hopin' someone will have a beer with me. Please? and what's your flavour?
i'm in but just one and i'm off
It's a deal!! Whats your brand?
I went out for a couple of beers earlier tonight, and didn't have anymore here at home. So, I'm glad to drop in here for another.
If you can drink "Alexander keiths" you can have one on me!
Oh yeah. It's too hot and I can't sleep, so a cold one would be perfect :-D
Alexander Keiths? Never heard of it. But, I'll have one anyway, thanks!
It's a Nova Scotia brew, prolly knock your socks ya go!!
So, it's a really strong India Pale Ale? My favorite!
Here's a link to an Alexander Keith review page... verra funny.
I'll have a guinness if you've got it on tap :-D
I think we need to hire some entertainment!
I'm not a beer person, but if you have a Captains and Coke I'm in!
Ahh, it's 8:10 AM and I'm hankering for a big bowl of....whiskey. Is breakfast served here?
It's a little after 11 pm here .... Wanna try one of our Oz beers? I have a few chilled bottles of Cascade here. You'll love it, stand up, I promise!
Thanks for the invite. Anyone want a Coors?
Heineken for me (got to be Dutch)
msolga wrote:It's a little after 11 pm here .... Wanna try one of our Oz beers? I have a few chilled bottles of Cascade here. You'll love it, stand up, I promise!
Hell yeah, I've never tried it, but at this point it doesn't really matter what it tastes like!