Once again Cherrie THANK YOU for your help. l am left with -l think- just three to find.
168a offspring (PR?U?NY) l did have PROGENY for this one but the O seems to be wrong as the word it mixes in with going down 161d l have EUREIOUS which the clue is Outstandingly bad and l looked it up and that is the answer l came up with.
The other two l have are also baffling me
225d Fortifications l came up with several answers BASTIONS, BULWARKS and the one that Seemed to fit was bulwarks as it mixes in with 243a a town on the lsle of Wight starting with an N, for which l came up with NEWPORT, so really none of the above words fit, also
253a Waffling, l just cannot get any words to fit all together, is it possible that you can look at it and give me some help, would be extremely grateful. Thank you.