At home with the groceries

Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 05:39 pm
Don't you hate it when you go grocery shopping and you come home and there's no room in the cupboards, or the fridge? Like we go shopping because we have no food! I just got back from the store and had to rearrange my freezer again!!!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 882 • Replies: 16
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 05:51 pm
Nope, never have that problem. I go shopping when I'm out of stuff. But hey, I'm single, that probly makes a difference.
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 06:02 pm
I get sick of the food I have, seems like i'm always shopping. The things I take for granted.
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 06:10 pm
Well, I side with nimh, but I am married. The fact that we're poor may influence me, but we only buy when we need food. I would love to come home and find a full fridge... but it aint hap'n'n.
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 06:11 pm
this time of year, i can't resist buying too much of the gorgeous fruit in the stores. saturday it was 3 pounds of cherries, 2 pounds of blueberries, 2 pounds of strawberries and some plums - not a lot of room in the fridge, but i managed to stuff 'em in.
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 07:07 pm
I am guilty of that too, sufp,
and ebeth...

This time of year, I am buying sweet grapes, strawberries, loads of greenish bananas, apples, southern peaches.... and hoping we all eat enough fruit salad that it does not go bad.
I prepare bowls of snipped fruit (as large as a med grape cut in two-)
at least 2 cup bowls... Then mix half and half sour cream and mayo; enough to coat the fruits when tossed.
Sprinkle at least two packets of Splenda over it--- yummmm dinner.
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 07:11 pm
All part of the hard life of the modern Hunter-Gatherer.
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Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2004 07:53 pm
So I'm not alone in my fruit-frenzies!

We eat it all up quick, but it sure seems like a lot when we put away the groceries.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 06:01 am
I just pick up cleaning and pet items here and there, and make reservations for 7 o'clock.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 11:42 am
At one point in my life, beer and watermelon were in season at the same time. There are advantages to growing old.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 11:47 am
Long lines at the bathroom
With all the fruit you people are eating (and me too) you must have long lines at your bathrooms as nature eliminates all the filtered fruit.

Albuquerque's Natural Food Co-op stocks the most wonderful and varied types of melons from a local farmer. I bought three last week at a cost of about $15 and I'm down to 1/4 of the last one. Expensive, but worth it over the unripe rocks most grocery stores carry. I've been taking bowls of melon chunks to Dys and Diane house so they and contractor Henry can refresh themselves while working in the summer heat. They love to see me arrive with a bowl of sweet juicy melon. Fred the parrot loves to eat pieces of the melons, too.

BBB Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 11:58 am
My mouth is watering. I just did my grocery shopping online, with pick-up between 4:00 and 4:30.

We are currently making sure there is plenty of room in the pantry and fridge when the new foods arrive.

I'm thinking I need to revise my list and add some cantaloup and strawberries. YUM!
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 12:05 pm
Squinney, I'm picking wonderful vine-ripened tomatoes from my garden. They taste sooooo good, not like the crap you get in most grocery stores.

Funny thing is that I bought four 4-inch pots of tomato plants and planted them in my large raised planter box among my strawberry plants. They haven't grown an inch and I've gave up them. I bought to large posts of established tomato plants and they are producing like mad. What is so funny is that I have three volunteer tomato plants growing and producing flower buds like mad. I have no idea where the seeds for them came from unless they were in the potting mix soil that got spilled out on the ground. They are now bigger than the potted plants I bought. I have no idea what variety of tomatoes they will produce. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be cherry tomatoes.

Tomato seeds are amazing. They seem to survive all soil sterilizing processes and will pop up in your yard wherever top soil is brought in. Tough little buggers, aren't they?

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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 12:23 pm
Squinney, what online grocery service do you use?
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 12:25 pm
I just picked up 2 lbs. worth of slightly blemished but far from going bad yellow cherries for $1.69.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 12:28 pm
I was able to enjoy garden fresh tomatos, green beans, squash, cucumbers and zuchini while visiting Mom last month. Came home with 12 jars of canned green beans, 12 jars of tomatos and 6 each of sweet and dill pickles. Have to save and savor. Can't wait for winter so I can use the canned tomatos in stew!

Funny that Mom had said tomatos wouldn't be ready until July 4th, but they were ready and demanding daily pickings in time for them to be canned and brought home by end of June.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 12:30 pm
I shop online through Lowes Foods. I love that it keeps me from over buying, especially in the candy aisle!
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