raam2209 wrote:
You have 10 gold coins....1 coin is a fake which is either lighter or heavier than the other 9 coins.
Weigh 3 against another 3. If the scale balances out you're dealing with Case 1. Otherwise, you're dealing with Case 2.
Case 1: You have 4 iffy coins left, one of which is a fake, either lighter or heavier than the others. You also have 6 perfectly good coins. Weigh 3 iffy coins against 3 of the perfectly good coins. If the iffy coins are too light, you're dealing with Case 1a. If the iffy coins are too heavy, you're dealing with Case 1b. Otherwise, the fourth iffy coin is the dud, so just weigh it against a known good coin to determine whether it is too heavy or too light.
Case 1a: You have three coins that are collectively too light. Weigh two of them against each other. If they don't balance, the lighter one is the dud. If they balance, the one not weighed is the dud.
Case 1b: Similar to case Case 1a -- just replace references to "light" with references to "heavy".
Case 2: You have 3 coins (call this "Set X") which are collectively lighter than 3 other coins (call this "Set Y"). You also have 4 perfectly good coins (select 3 of these at random and call them "Set Z"). Weigh X against Z. If X is lighter than Z, X is too light, and you're dealing with Case 2a. Otherwise, Y is too heavy, and you're dealing with Case 2b.
Case 2a: Set X contains the dud, which is too light. Weigh two coins from X against each other, and if one is lighter it's the dud. Otherwise, the coin not weighed is the dud.
Case 2b: Set Y contains the dud, which is too heavy. Weigh two coins from Y against each other, and if one is heavier it's the dud. Otherwise, the coin not weighed is the dud.