Recent L to the E of our excellent Friendly Local Fourth Estate, Victorville, Ca Daily Press. I am wondering, given some 300,000 past and future participangts of a2k, whether anyone has noted the deficiencies of the latest Apple OpSys
Open letter to Apple/Mac:
As you’re doubtless aware, the new Apple OpSys is a disaster beyond imagining. Don’t we get sick of the requirement for password, over and over again, 52 times a day. And that damnable little colored rotating circle, takes forever to go away.
Power on, go eat breakfast; return to enter password, now do a little yardwork; come back and it has rejected your password so enter it again, go take a crap; retreat, enter password once more, go feed the kitties; later select an app. What now? oh, go make that pot of coffee; finally, wow, there’s my app. !!!!
Type a line, look up at screen, and my Apple has accepted only its first half. Retype second half whereupon after five or ten seconds, wow, we now have
two second halves…..
My latest discovery, re Mail: Although the “Address” listing has disappeared with the new OpSys, my excellent No. 1 Son, an expert in these matters, has put me onto a taskbar icon app. called “Contacts,” which contains the required information.
Unlike the previous OpSys, where you doubleclick on the entry to place it in “To:” or “Cc:”, in this app. you hafta
drag the entry over into the Address Field.
…., at first something of a nuisance. However, it has this advantage: It lets you easily place an add. between two others.
Of course, this app. isn’t perfect either, because as you know one of the requirements for a software editing-routine writer (who can’t recognize “p[ot” as a misspelling of “pot” or “ids” of “is") is that the applicant's IQ be less than 32. So addressing your message you’ll find the app. fails at the end of the add. line so for instance you have to place it in after “Cc:" then drag it up into “To:”.
For that reason I’d recommend a third add. field, maybe “Reply to:.” You’ll thank me. Guys, you just hafta raise that requirement--from 32 to
at least 74!!
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
Oh incidentally, edited to add your "Inbox" address listing no longer lists all pertinent incoming mail, but only those to which no answer has yet applied. Unbelievably, such a message along with all answers appear individually under the original title, where the combined message is
missing entirely
Come on, among some 300,000 a2k'ers,
am I the only one to notice this absurd software disaster