Sun 7 Jun, 2015 09:22 am
Believe in maybe, believe in maybe not.. or suffer the wrath of incessant bold faced rigmarole!
I'm not sure about this thread...hmm.
I know that youre not in Kansass any more
Thack, where is it you're expected to find such rigamarole
Oh, and can I participate if I'm agnostic but not militant
Some of you guys are not supposed to be here!!
Ooops ...
Well, i don't really believe, but there may be a Thack--but it's not a part of my life.
I got the thack once.
My boss had a terrible lisp, but hated me all the same.
I'm a luke-warm agnostic; however, I seriously doubt my own existence so you're not really reading this
Taking odds on how long it takes Frank to join in the fun. I say June 8, 10 am Eastern.
Quote:so you're not really reading this
Rag you've made my day, or at least the last half
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of this thread.
If any help, Rag, I'm not entirely sure I exist
see...with this reductionist thinking and lower expectations politicians have us thinking, we're not even sure we exist. Fie on all of their villas!