Fri 15 May, 2015 09:58 pm
86 dn The clue is Lengthy ( 4-9) I have T????O??U?I?G.
130 ac The clue is WEIRDLY (9) I have UNC?A?ILY.
92ac The clue is Word comparison (6) I have ?I??LE.
102 ac The clue is Halt development (6) I have ?R???T.
92dn The clue is Terrified(6) I have ?C?REV.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated .philcottie.
I don't know how uncannily simile could be but I'd be scared under arrest if it was time-consuming..
thanks timur you make it look so easy.philcottie
Sometimes it's easy, sometimes not so, Phil..