And then there was his wife, Katherine, who was no slouch.
And his - that was him, wasn't it, with the shared book with Mr. Strunk, Elements of Style, which JTT didn't approve of, and by now I probably would whiff on one or two points - but is itself a classic. My copy is from '72, 2nd edition.
Just read, this morning, a piece about Renata Adler and the New Yorker people.
I read her at the time of her most prolific writing.
I liked people Renata Adler didn't like. Which goes to show... something.
Ok, ok, back to the baby..
I'm not a monarchy fan, but on the other hand, I sort of get it as tradition.
I was talking with Diane about it a few days ago, that in a way I feel like I am part of Elizabeth's generation (not true, but Diane and I were alive for her coronation and watched tv and she wasn't all so old then). I read some list of the Queen's views on Kate, which is why we were talking about it, that I was surprised how odd I found them. No link. Something about 14 comments from the Queen. Maybe on one of those cheesy click bait sites. Or maybe it was the Guardian. I can blur-read, and do.
Diane and I talk world stuff, local bits, all matter of foo, and this time the Queen came up since I'd just read that article.