Fri 25 Jun, 2004 12:44 pm
Any Chinese here whose names are Ai, Lao, Jin, Li, Shi, Zhang or Zhao?
Actually, the last names are Aistein, Laoberg, Zhangbloom etc.
That was actually a very interesting article. The history of Chinese Jews is well-documented enough to warrant a joke of it's own (old one):
A Chinese Jew walks into a bar and asks "Do you serve Chinese Jews?"
The bartender says "No, but we have apple juice, orange juice..."
I grew up Jewish, but not Chinese. However, I do find it intriguing that the best way to judge a Chinese restaurant (at least in this city) is to count the number of Jews eating there, especially the ones enjoying Mu Shu Pork, because they only keep kosher at home.
Jews can be difficult to spot though Cav. I would hate to have to judge baed simply on nose lenghth or other stereotypical characteristics. Of course, if they are speaking Yiddish and eating Chinese pork then we got 'em!
Yes, we are apparently the invisible minority until Sharon bombs some Arab.
At least there are still Jews in the New World. Here we had the Holocaust. Besides that, with anti-Semitism on the rise, you won't find many Jewish men wearing a scullcap here in Europe.