Wed 15 Apr, 2015 03:49 pm
I was wondering if anybody could tell me how long it will take for the mold in my barn to die, I believe it to be nontoxic because though it does smell of, none of my family has had any issues breathing in the room, but trying to sell the house and the barn I need info on it. i.e how long will it take to die once it dries? or will that not kill it.
Please tell me their age after then i can understand then exact age.
What on earth did you think you were replying to?
I don't know, girl, but mold can be extremely hard to get rid of. On the nontoxic statement, some people are allergic to mold and some people simply are not.
They make mold stat barn washes and paints.
If you live in US , we have Jeffers Supply on the web, or TSC inc, '
You have to get the moisture out, then you need to paint over any areas that have the wood stained by it with the proper paint, I recommend Kills. Anything like fabric and hay or straw that has mold it it must be removed.
But the answer is a couple of weeks after the moisture is removed assuming that the infected contents are removed.
Our barns are stone(which really holds humidity). So we , in the summer, have these fans going to help keep it drier and cooler.
Our problem isnt mold but ammonia from the stock (we keep over 100 sheep on a come and go basis in a bigass bank barn and several beef cows nd two llamas (dont ask) in another "Loafing barn"
We ue STALL DRY .Many people use Hydrated lime but that is the totally wrong thing to use with tock because it primes the ammonia gas and provides a medium for flies and H2S.