Thanks for the reply. Sorry, my bad. I had forgot about the phycholigical
term. The physics term was defined by Einstein as the result of a super-
nova collapse of a massive star 10 or more time the mass of the sun. Arounnd the 1920's the remains of the SN was thought to be "the singularity" whitch contain the best part of the mass at a mathimatical
point infitisimaly small ( infinitely dense ) and lost forever to the Known
Universe. In the 30's and 40's the concept of the Event Horizone was
formulated and thought to be earth or so size whitch still contained the
singularity. Hawking Radition occurrs at the surface of th EV. My question still remains what is the physics of the transfer of the mass from the singularity whitch was supposidely unobtainable. Therefore, my supposition. Stay tune!! rel99.