We have a new sibling here on A2k, who has asked for the assistance of the women here to rectify a seeming lack of proper instruction in the secret codes and such of sisterhood.
Please meet Totally Girly and Such:
Her pleas have been greeted, on another thread, (
http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=752600#752600 ) with suspicion and a tight-lipped silence.
Sisters - is this right? No, I say, answering myself before you can get a word in, in the annoying manner of many who ask rhetorical questions, it is not right! It is not sisterly! It is not kind!
So - I have opened this secret thread, visible only to our eyes (unless the damn mins get wise to the fact that we can see in other spectra to those visible to their dull eyes, and use ultra-violet spectacles) to instruct TGAS in the secret lore.