Sat 17 Jan, 2015 07:53 am
just a couple have me stumped
as before (Latin) I-I-
Kindling --el
winning hand in bridge s--m
thanks anyone
Kindling --el (fuel?)
winning hand in bridge s--m (slam?)
Thanks a lot
None of my dictionaries show it
It's easy when you think about it.
My excuse is I am recovering from a nasty virus which laid me low over xmas and new year
Ibid is short for the Latin ibidem meaning "in the same place". I suppose you could use it to mean "as before", but I would be uncomfortable with that, especially since "quo ante" is often used to mean "as before" particularly in legal documents. But hey! if it fits, who cares about that?
@s heath,
Hope you are fully recovered. x