Sun 23 Nov, 2014 01:39 am
Need help with a few namely;-
138 ac The clue creed (8) I have I?I?LOGY
60 ac The clue is cud-chewing animal (8) I have ?W?I?A?T and no it is not ruminant.
194 ac The clue is Becomes tedious (5) I have D?A?S
I've been chewing the cud on that one but I'm still hesitant.
It drags down my ideology..
Thanks timur but Ideology is spoilt by the crossing word where abdicate now becomes ABNEGATE .As for hesitant would have to find another word for 49dn the clue is Weep Noisily (4) where I had BAWL so would now have to look at B?E? philcottie