Sun 14 Sep, 2014 05:03 pm
So last night i befriend the bartender at the country club where I'm doing my event. One of the attendees brought in his own wine (several bottles) with instructions not to serve it to anyone else because it was 100.00 a bottle wine. The bartender calls me over and asks if I want to drink 100.00 a bottle wine tonight. I say
A: No thank you I never drink when I'm working
B: I'd like to but it wouldn't be the right thing to do
C: You're fuckin' a right I want to.
What do you think is the correct answer?
D: Sir! The bottles of rummage tend to kill my brain cells. It would not be wise of me to make a decision that would impede on my ability to give you an answer, now would it?
Don t steal the guy 's wine.
If u want wine:
Of course B Ragman. What other answer would he give?
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Don t steal the guy 's wine.
If u want wine: BUY IT.
A pretentious prick like that deserves to have his wine drunk.
Just serve that table some other wine well into the evening. They'll never know the difference.
I got that tip from Jesus at some wedding.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Don t steal the guy 's wine.
If u want wine: BUY IT.
chai2 wrote:A pretentious prick like that deserves to have his wine drunk.
Just serve that table some other wine well into the evening. They'll never know the difference.
I got that tip from Jesus at some wedding.
Pretentious pricks have the same rights
to dispose of their property as anyone else.
I wanna drink my
OWN wine. I dont need to steal wine.
Then make your own.
You don't have to buy it from someone else.
I was agreeing with you. I mean, what other response other than B would our upstanding boy give?
ok///I didn't know if it was a trick question.
chai2 wrote:
I was agreeing with you. I mean, what other response
other than B would our upstanding boy give?
Even if u sit down,
u shud not steal someone else's wine.
there' s nothing I enjoy more than watching a light hearted joke post turn to **** at the hands of those with the moral high ground.
It's best to give loaded answers to loaded questions.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
there' s nothing I enjoy more than watching a light hearted joke post turn to **** at the hands of those with the moral high ground.
Asking if a person should commit theft is a joke? Where is the funny?
I vote:
D. Steal the $100 wine and replace it with Ripple. Then save the good stuff for later.
Bartenders make about $20 a hour....a $100 bottle of grape juice is worth losing the job??
BVT was right. You can't do a joke thread here tonight.