Sexually excited at inappropriate times

Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 11:53 am
cavfancier wrote:
How do we define 'innapropriate times' to get horny exactly? I mean, I'm all for the idea that if you get horny at funerals, horrid accident scenes, visiting a rendering plant, or while running over neighbours pets, you may have problems. However, if it's just the day to day, I think it's natural.

Well that makes me feel a lot better!! phew..........
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 02:04 pm

I am so glad I'm not a man. It isn't nearly as embarrassing when you just squirm in your seat.
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 02:15 pm
Eva wrote:

I am so glad I'm not a man. It isn't nearly as embarrassing when you just squirm in your seat.

And then a sensitive, observant man notices a slight quivering of the thighs, and BOOOOOIIIING!!!! That's the moment to catch, wherever you are.
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 02:16 pm
Eva wrote:

I am so glad I'm not a man. It isn't nearly as embarrassing when you just squirm in your seat.

what you talk'n about squirming in a seat? :wink:
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 07:41 pm

Only we women fully understand the meaning of that!

Sam can get me going from across the room with "that look"!! Little devil Twisted Evil loves doing it around people.
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 08:01 pm
I have certain code words that remind my husband of...um....good times. I love slipping those words or phrases into conversations we're having with other people and giving him a sly wink at the same time. He turns red, becomes tongue-tied, and I just giggle. What fun!
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 08:02 pm
Okay, now I'm home in my underwear typing to strangers on an internet forum. Is this an inappropriate time to be feeling all horned up?
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 08:09 pm
kickycan wrote:
Okay, now I'm home in my underwear typing to strangers on an internet forum. Is this an inappropriate time to be feeling all horned up?

Strangers? I thought we were intimate confidants. Confused
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 08:17 pm
Well, I don't know all of you that well.

And there are only a few people who have shared a broom closet with me, you kinky little devil you. :wink:
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Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 08:24 pm
To answer the original post - yep, happens all the time to me. And, yep, thank god I'm a girl.
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 08:51 pm
Same here on both.

I wasn't in the closet with anyone, but my own fears. Crying or Very sad But you do bring nice chocolates. Very Happy
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 08:55 pm
Same here on both.

Very Happy
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 09:40 pm

Is your avatar of your own boxer?
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 09:40 pm
kickycan wrote:
Well, I don't know all of you that well.

And there are only a few people who have shared a broom closet with me, you kinky little devil you. :wink:

Ooo kicky, the things you can do with a plunger. Embarrassed
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 09:52 pm
Wiyaka - yes it is. That's my little bootie (Bootsie). She's a cutie, isn't she?

You keep changing your avatar!
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 09:56 pm

It's amazing what we can do with what, isn't it? :wink: The army taught me that anything can be used as a weapon. A creative person can use almost anything to satisfy themself.

She's adorable!
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 09:59 pm
eeyep, she is, thanks. {biggrin}
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 10:06 pm

She looks sooo sweet. I'll bet she's not spoiled a bit either, is she? :wink:

Sam and I have three sled dogs, the smallest is only 55-60 pounds. The other two weigh about 90 pounds each. I'll have to shrink a picture of them to use as an avatar, probably one pup at a time.

Well, it's getting early. Watch the chocolate. :wink: Carob is ok for pups, but chocolate has something (Can't remember what right now) that adversely affects dog's nervous system, so carob's better. It has a similar taste without hurting the pups. Very Happy

Night! (Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn)
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Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 10:12 pm
Are your sled dogs huskies or malamutes? Or some of each? She is sweet as candy and very very spoiled. She deserves to be spoiled.

Nightie night!
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Reply Sat 22 May, 2004 11:07 am
Inyan (Rock in Lakota), our oldest at roughly four,is purebred Alsakan Sled Dog. He shows his German Shepard a bit, along with the wolf in him. He's the "Elder" of the three; mellow and protective. He's also "top dog" amognst the three.

Witko (Crazy in Lakota), around 3 years old, is the smallest and a Huskey...with coyote in there somewhere, looks and acts like a coyote.

Yamni, age 1 1/2 years old or so, is German Shepard and we believe coyote cross. He's the most sneaky and active of the three.

All are former shelter dogs, very devoted to us and overly friendly with people, as long as we're around. They sleep with us if they want and we even do pack howls. They travel with us and guard our campsites from people that aren't introduced as friends. I have seen people approach our camp when we weren't there and the pups are all watching, alert with no wagging tails.

If given treats fom other people, they show the person respect by accepting the treats, but will drop them until we say it's okay to have them. We never taught them this, but they do it insinctively.

Spoiled? I don't think so, but others may. We are a pack, in their minds and Sam is the Alpha male. I'm the Alpha Bitch and they all show us due respect, without severe punishment. The worse thing I can do is yell "No!" in Lakota and they stop instantly, look at me like, "Uh Oh! Mom's pissed. We better cool it."

Like most sled dogs, they are very high energy pups. They don't usually mature until around the age of four, Inyan is an exception to that. He was involved in Wolf Clan Ceremony, two years ago and he matured during that Gathering.

Like most canine types, they have attached themselves to one or the other of us. Inyan is closer to me. Witko is closest to Sam. Yamni is yet undecided, but leans a bit more towards Sam.
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