I am 99.99% certain that there is intelligent life in our galaxy besides us.
But I also think they are NOT visiting us nor have they ever.
The distances are the problem. Even with better technology, sub light speed is still too slow to really explore the galaxy. Even if you were to plot out potential places in the galaxy to investigate. It's still a huge undertaking to travel for thousands of years just to investigate.
The resources involved in traveling for thousands of years makes it impractical. Because what do you do if there is nothing to find when you get to the place to check?
I bet even a thousand years from now, we won't even be leaving our solar system. Sure we might have colonies on other planets or moons within our solar system but we still won't leave it. The resources to make long distance journeys is extremely impractical.
I bet there are probably a hundred intelligent species within our galaxy. But none of them will ever meet each other ever. The distances are just too large to make it happen.