Then do it.
Understanding of course that you may not just get beat up.
You will have to pick someone who actually deserves getting in a fight, which you may not be capable of discerning. Imagine some poor sap who just got in the way of a pissed off bipo and, for no discernible reason, either got physically injured or was forced to injure you. Not very fair.
There is something cathartic about physical violence and sustaining pain and damage. Better though that you do it within a controlled setting, and this is more for the benefit of the person you fight than for yourself.
Getting drunk isn't so bad an idea unless it is the intended precursor to your starting a fight with some innocent slob.
My bet is that you don't want to inflict pain as much as you want to have pain inflicted upon you. Not as weird as it may sound, but it needs to be done within a controlled setting. Too many things could go horribly wrong in a random bar fight.
Since you've indicated you are not going down this road, that's the best of decisions.
Maybe, hopefully, you will dream tonight of kicking the **** out of someone...maybe even me.