Thu 1 May, 2014 05:05 am
Hi-the next door neighbor recently advised us that they agreed to let the gas company that they have a contract with to put a "platform" in their field which is our back yard and where we get the majority of our wind from. What is meant by a platform and what exact concerns if any should we have about air pollution? We are very much up hill from where this platform will be -atleast a 1000 feet as there is a steep hill between us and where the platform will be so will are well be safe? Thanks for any info
You may want to do your own research on fracking. I live in Tulsa OK and we have oil and gas wells everywhere. We also have fracking operations scattered about in the countryside. Noise and smell are concerns. Pipe leakage and abandoned well sites are greater issues for Oklahoma. However, fracking is a whole different can-o-worms from regular drilling. The operation is very noisy and may have geo-tectonic implications. Geophysicists do not agree on whether fracking causes an increase in minor earthquakes due to water/steam injection into the bedrock. Central Oklahoma has seen a substantial increase in local earth movement events since fracking started in some areas. The industry refutes any finding and has too much clout to be affected by local challenges. The long term effects are unknown and few studies have been conducted as of 2013. Energy needs versus environmental concerns is a constant battle. You may have little legal recourse to interfere with your neighbors decisions for their property. Any legal action you take can be very expensive. The gas/oil industry has the deepest pockets and the largest legal teams of any industry.