Thanks fresco but l am afraid that LAWYER does not fit, and the clues across are 115a imbue (infuse) and the last letter D comes from clue 134a calming drug (sedative) l did try and put the U in as a capital to make it clearer but the computer would not let me, kept cancelling U and put in u, thanks anyway, Plenty of time for me to correct any wrong words.
Hi Margsy
It is 108d for barrister, 106d is thirsted for...........after, LUSTED.
LAWYER is indeed correct.
Did this one earlier today, should have been out smelling the daffs.
Thank you james34, l am just tidying up all the comp puzzles before l put my name to it and put it ready for posting. Our daffs are no where near ready, where l live half way up a mountain at just short of 1365ft above sea level we get out garden flowering much later than most other places. Thanks again ttfnx. ps, seemed to have got my numbers mixed up lol. xx