Fri 28 Feb, 2014 05:54 pm
126 ac the clue is Maori aristocrat (9) I have R?N?E?I?A.
80 dn the clue is funeral toll (5) I have P?ELL somehow think this PRELL .
126 ac the clue is Maori aristocrat (9) I have R?N?E?I?A.
RANGATIRA check that "e"!
80 dn the clue is funeral toll (5) I have P?ELL somehow think this PRELL .
KNELL I think
Thanks Imur Rangatira is right but Knell has created a problem with 79 ac
The clue is Emperor in feudal Japan where I now have NIK?ON whereas before I had NIPPON.
Can someone out there help me with this PlEEEEEEEEase.philcottie
79a mikado should set you right.
thanks all for your help but have one that is bothering me namely 19 dn.
the clue is Narrow Scottish srait(4) I have K??E
thanks shirlz will go with that philcottie