My youngest, who was almost successfully recruited into the armed forces last year, has come full circle and has resisted registering for "selective service" for over a year now. I think he's just been too lazy to go to the post office, but I dunno. Well, he got a postcard in the mail this weekend reminding him that he needs to register, and that failing to do so is a federal crime. Hmmm.
My questions:
What does the "selective" mean in "selective service"?
Why only men/boys?
I'm all for the census and that stuff, but the reasons given for this are to provide and/or procure information to/from all kinds of government departments like the dept of justice, dept of defense, dept of state, dept of health, dept of education, etc.
It sounds kind of invasive to me.
How does this fit in with our "free country" ideals?
I know this isn't anything new, but don't be surprised if a draft board is re-established soon. We may need one.
No lectures, please, just answers and opinions. Thanks.