mass media

Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 03:16 am
Mass Media is a means of public communication. Mass media is media that is used by the public or institutions to convey information to others. Mass media is giving the people instant access of everything that is happening to the world. Mass media consists of print media, electronic media and new media. Print media is media that disseminate information in the form of printed materials, static, and prioritizes visual messages, such as newspapers, magazines, tabloids and newsletters. Electronic media is media that convey information in electronic form, such as televisions, radio and handphone. New media is a term that covers the emergence of digital, computer, network information and communication technology, such as facebook, twitter, blog, and youtube.
Characteristics of the mass media , first , mass media that is open and aimed at the general public. Second , the mass media are anonymous and heterogeneous . Anonymous are the ones involved in the mass media that do not know each other . While heterogeneous are the ones who pay attention to the mass media composed of diverse people who live in very different conditions, culture and social status.
Third , mass media which has communicants in mass communication that is a number of people who are united by a common interest and that have the same behavior and the same goals anyway .
Fourth , simultaneously , that is the mass media disseminate information or messages simultaneously and in a relationship with their readers .
Fifth , the mass media have a character that is concerned with the content of the message and information that are considered the most interesting, important , and required by the public.
Sixth , institutionalized , that is the mass media is an agency or organization that is made ​​up of the associations which is supported by the management system , to achieve certain goals .
The function of the mass media , first , the media monitoring function is a special function that provides information and warnings to the public about anything in their environment and update knowledge and understanding of the human environment.
second , the interpretation function that is a function of media to process information, interpret and correlate all the knowledge of the public .
Third , the value transmission function that is a function of media to spread the values and ideas from one generation to another generation .
Fourth , the entertainment function that is a function of media to entertain public. Public tend to see and understand events or public experience as an entertainment

In the past 50 years, media influence has grown considerably since the beginning of technology, first there was the telegraph, then radio, newspapers, magazines, television and now online. We live in a society dependent on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and doing our daily activities as work, entertainment, health, education, personal relationships, travel and everything else that we need to do.
The mass media, including TV, radio, newspapers, internet, play a very important roles in our modern life. They have changed our lives very much. In my opinion, it would not be exaggerating to say that they have a great influence in shaping people's ideas, both for the better and for the worse.
First, the mass media affect people's fashion. Simply take a glance at the way we dress right now, it was probably something we have pick up over the internet or magazines. What we are wearing may look similar to what famous actors or singers have worn recently. And all of the things we often to do is imitate the models appear every day on television.
Secondly, we can not deny that the mass media has a major contribution to shaping the way we think. What we watch on TV, what we hear on the radio: what we read in newspapers and magazines, affect our thinking, without us knowing it. When choosing what to wear, most of us have a tendency to choose what is said or shown to be fashionable by famous people.
Third, it is clear that the mass media also play an important role in our attitude toward life. Some people complain that kids these days are lazy, rebellious, and much more violence against others. It is the impact of bad programs shown on TV all the time, these sites are not controlled and even carelessness of parents who allow children to surf the web freely, without realizing that there are many negative effects that may occur. People, especially teenagers, have always had an idol and they tend to follow what their idols do and say, without caring about the things that are good or bad.

To anticipate the negative effects of television certainly can not be ignored just like that. It takes an ability to address the media wisely. people should be critical of the tv program that aired on various channels.
parents must accompany children when watching television and controlling television programs watched by children in order to inform, educate and contains no violence.
we as an intelligent audience, must choose a television program that suits our needs, for example if we need information, we watched the news, if we need entertainment, we look at music or soap operas.
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