An overview of Chinese history, politics--leading to present situation.
This is the final paragraph, written from a Communist viewpoint.
They see a crisis, too, but have a different solution (than mine.) :wink:
In part--
Needed: Revolutionary Party Leadership
Economic disaster, wars of mass destruction, heavy repression -- the specific mix cannot be predicted, but these are the ingredients of the capitalist future. The worst can be averted, class, if a revolutionary workers' leadership is built.
Central to the revolutionary program is the understanding that the existing Chinese state cannot be reformed in any fundamental way to serve the masses' interests. Like any capitalist state, it serves the ruling class. It needs to be overthrown and replaced by a state of the working class, organized through its own institutions: unions, workers' councils, factory committees and above all the revolutionary party.
Under capitalist leadership of any form, Maoist or openly bourgeois, China will remain prey to imperialism. The global predators seek to revive the pre-revolutionary warlords and protectorates, even under nominal central sovereignty, in order to more freely and directly carry out their superexploitation. Only a workers' state can truly unify China.
Within China, the fundamental conflict is not between sections of the ruling class, state bureaucrats and managers versus outright capitalists and party proponents of private capital. It is between the working class and the ruling class as a whole. The greatest disaster of the deformed workers' state and bureaucratic collectivist theories is that, at times of revolutionary upheaval, they led militants to rely on dissident reformist figures ultimately loyal to the ruling class like Imre Nagy in Hungary in 1956, and Lech Walesa in Poland. If the independence of the proletariat and its revolutionary party is abandoned, there is no way forward for the working class.
An old lament says that "the lives of Chinese have no worth." Superexploitation, famines, imperialist domination and corrupt dictatorships have combined to give the saying a tragic appearance of truth. But these times are coming to a close. The size, volatility and strategic situation of the Chinese working class -- in one of the weak links in the capitalist chain -- invest it with a tremendous revolutionary potential. The Chinese proletariat needs to build its revolutionary party in time to meet the looming crisis.