hawkeye10 wrote:
the land of legal pot was your beacon, you were on your way. what happened to you man, why all of this negativity?
I didn't care about the legal pot beyond the fact that it might help my son's epilepsy. I haven't smoked pot in years. Don't care much for it. It still beckons but at my age you don't just pack up and go. It'll take awhile AND I'm now investigating the possibility that radiation poisoning from Japan seems to be inevitable for the entire West Coast. I'm also not being negative, just stating a fact. ANYWHERE you go there are assholes galore with prejudice, bigotry, hatefulness, purposeful ignorance, you know, like Finn. There are also decent people everywhere you go. I like people just fine, I
have a ton of friendly acquaintances, I'm polite do my share to be kind to others and I'm a basically happy person. that doesn't mean I don't recognize what a failure as a species we are.