Sat 29 Jun, 2013 05:00 pm
292 ac The clue is Code names(10)I have ?RYPTO?R?S.I keep coming up with CRYPTOGRAM.
282 dn The clue is Ski trail (5) and I keep coming up with PISTE hence the S on the end instead of M. Does anybody know a Ski trail using the letters P?M?E.
32 ac The clue is Wail over the dead (4) I have K?EN.
Where are you cherrie in my hour of need.philcottie.
You need CRYPTONYMS to fit in with PISTE.
Wail is KEEN.
thank you Cherrie once again spot on I don't know how you find them but glad you do.You are indeed a clever little vegemite.Now everyone around the world is saying what the hell is he on about but you know,and I know and a few ex patriats know so that's all that matters.philcottie