Wed 22 May, 2013 02:43 am
Giant Cryptic. Only four letters and I can't get it!! 68a Rod finds you in church - ?H?T. Many thanks
This is just a wild guess, but is there any chance it could be THOU?
Agree with thicko. I have shot as my answer.
I haven't got the puzzle so you are probably right, but I don't get it.
How does shot answer the clue?
That clue should be 69a - CUE
Hi Cherie, I was in the same boat. I had my copy of the answers but no longer had the book with the clues. Wracked my brains but couldn't reason it. Just trusted my judgement and gave out my answer. Actually the clue is 68a attempt to get nip of whisky. Rang a friend to get the clue.
Thanks for that Shirlz and Krystalline.
It all makes sense now.