Mon 8 Apr, 2013 04:19 pm
Stuck on 2 namely :-
Honshu seaport (7) I have O?A?A?A.
Bahamas district (6) I have B?Y?NE.
The only seaport I can find is OSAKA, starting with an O. There is also NIIGATA and NIGOYA. I cannot help with Bahamas district.
A view of Odawara port:
And a list of Bahamas' districts:
2.Berry Islands
3.Bimini Islands
4.Black Point
5.Cat Island
6.Central Abaco
7.Central Andros
8.Central Eleuthera
9.City of Freeport
10.Crooked Island
11.East Grand Bahama
13.Grand Cay
14.Harbour Island
15.Hope Town
17.Long Island
18.Mangrove Cay
20.Moore's Island
21.North Abaco
22.North Andros
23.North Eleuthera
24.Ragged Island
25.Rum Cay
26.San Salvador
27.South Abaco
28.South Andros
29.South Eleuthera
30.Spanish Wells
31.West Grand Bahama
New Providence
This involves the answers to 3 clues all interlinked so so the correct answer to the honchu seaport will probaly get it and it also involves the answer to a chinese dynasty where I have ??NG (4) and I think is MING so as I say a correct answer to Honshu sesport is the go.philcottie.
The seaport we are after is OKAYAMA and the disrict of the bahamas is BIMINI and the ming dynasty completes this puzzle.