Thu 24 Jan, 2013 09:46 pm
49 D. Pitches side-on to waves B..A.H.S ? Could it be breathes?
Thanks for you help.
Thank you, Nextone. Much appreciated
actually it is BROACHES, going side on to waves - Not recommended!
I agree with BROACHES Used that as my answer. It was a tricky one though as depending on how you interpret the clue it could also be BROOCHES.
Actually nextone is correct and this has cropped up before try Googling both Breaches and Broaches and you will find which is correct.Perhaps Cherrie could come in on this one as I'm sure she will know.philcottie.
Sorry but I have to agree with laidbackdude and shirlz on this.
The answer is BROACHES.
Hi all after a bit of searching have decided it is Broaches.
Thanks for all the input, but unfortunately I sent in my entry prior to final discussion!!