Thank you james 34, the menfolk managed to get the car out of its drift,they got to the shop and got my usual shopping list plus some extras and four bags of salt, used most of it out in the road, we are only a street of about 12 houses,but we were the only ones who salted the road, some daft bloke shovelled the snow round his daughters car right into the path and on top of the already melting road,thanks to the salt, so out went my son and shovelled it onto somewhere where it would not be a hinderance, some people are so daft it makes one wonder where their brains are.Hope you are all okay where you are, l am not allowed to go out as l need sticks to help me walk,and they did not fancy having to pick me up off the floor, l am a big lady you see. ah well perhaps might get out weekend, we are forcasted for rain.ttfn keep safe & warm
ps, sorry about the rant. l am famous for me speaking my mind.