I'm a female feminist of the old school. I don't presume you would agree with me on anything except by misunderstanding, and I have a hard time agreeing with you on anything at all. You seem to take whole populations as swaths of like minds.
I'm not interested in pornography, which seems at first glance to be for the needy, but I understand people drawn to it, liking it.
You don't find naked bodies attractive? Any of them? That sounds like hysteric denial - or, maybe you are actually asexual. I'll guess the first one.
Has anyone ever told you that attraction to other bodies is normal? the human experience?
This might be the strangest set of sentences I've ever seen:
" Is sexual interecourse 3D pornography, when reproduction is not reason for the sex? After all, each involved performs the intercourse mainly for self pleasure (the partner is used to gain pleasure), as a rule."
It follows then that
A) you totally lack empathy to other humans, or
B) you'll make a great pope.
Your take on humanity seems mechanistic. Instead of berating you repeatedly, I wonder how you formed all these opinions - if they are a construct, or how you genuinely think, or feel.