Quote:This was resolved some time ago…….erroneous due to a timing measurement …….
Thank you Ros for that report. I should have spennt more time scrolling Google
Quote:Nothing travels faster than light…….
Yes I understand how that's supposed to work, as an object gets disproportionally massive as its velocity increases and of course infinite at c, so of course can't be further accelerated
The relativistic changes have always intrigued me because they're so inexplicable. Of course mathematically they hold together very nicely but they nonetheless puzzle intuition. For instance what's unique about c
In other words, why c and not some other value. I do have a kind of weird notion to help explain it and to account for the other effects such as shrinkage and time dilation but won't pursue it here since it hasn't proven very pop
But thanks again for setting me straight, that neutrino business was indeed kind of troubling
Out curiosity though and to save me the scrolling, if it's not beyond the understanding of the average Clod (me), just what sort of error was it