Mark Zuckenberg looks like a guy like me. Kinda. Like he digs in dumpters behind goodwill thrift stores and finds cool looking clothes (for a dumpster.) I don't know what his politics are. I know he is a liberal. Lately my brain is scorched just by the word politics. If Mark Zuckerberg ran I would be really surprised if he got as much support as Ross Perot. One of the hallmarks of someone running for president like an outsider is that they usually write a book before — to make money and to get people at least somewhat acquainted.
The media is kind of coyly mentioning Mark Zuckenberg as a candidate. So even if Mark Zuckerberg doesn't write a book I believe he is thinking about it. Yeah and nightmare on Elm street is on. Cujo is on.
Obama was a liberal but at least he looked like a guy that was intelligent enough to make his own meals. I see Mark Zuckerberg as basically thinking things like that are totally alien. Scary. There's a lot of crazy stuff happening now, says Robert Di Niro. Well I won't be joining the Vincent price fan club anytime soon.
Obama for me was way too secular. The word secular doesn't even apply to Zuckerberg. Scary.