The Truth, the Beauty and the Good.

Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2012 08:45 am
"The 3 large cups from the philosophy : TRUTH, BEAUTY, and the GOOD"

- The main human activities are undoubtedly thinking and doing.
Its philosophy is why for centuries gedualiseerd in content, and not only in materialism and idealism, spirit and extent of body and soul, but also in both a theoretical and a practical philosophy in the other.
- We're mainly about the "practical philosophy" have ...

- Kant wrote over two hundred years ago the one hand, his "Critique of Pure Reason" and also his "Critique of Practical Reason."
- "Pure Reason" is more deeply metaphysical in content and scope, while "practical reason" rather via a certain way of living the truth, and especially the right thing and to try to disentangle the man to serve him and to help in of life.

- Until the theoretical philosophy includes in particular: the ontology (doctrine of being and beings), cosmology (theory of the world and its contents), theology (the doctrine of the supreme being ..), as well as the theoretical psychology (the study of the soul itself). This theoretical disciplines of deep metaphysical nature, as they continue to the core of things, try to penetrate than the experimental sciences such as physics or chemistry, etc.
- The practical philosophy was, and still name Composed primarily of disciplines, of which man can use immediately. So we know the logic (the science of correct thinking and knowing), ethics or morality (right and good for learning to act and live), and also the aesthetics (the study of beauty and of art) The last three disciplines thus act concretely seen respectively on the True, the Beautiful and the Good.
- Even Plato knew these three top or head of philosophy already in his doctrine of ideas; for him as she signs a practical, accurate way of life. They had the people to keep, how best to think in order for the truth to come, how best it should act for the good to achieve and how they clean should know and strive to achieve a harmonious, pleasant world and own lives to come.

A. How to find the True ...; practical way through epistemology, mathematics and the sciences, but first and foremost by the logic, itself a system for this 'find' is.
- The logic got its name as a discipline much later, after Aristotle, who laid the foundation thereof in his 'organon' or logical writings, which he previously said analyst or interpretation.
Yet Aristotle the inventor of the famous syllogism, that as a miracle-trick against was and still is, by order through at least three terms and propositions and the key lever for a demonstration. In fact, the syllogism is nothing more than an elaborate comparison, as seen in the wiiskunde knows and supports the first 'know' judgment or principle, namely that of 'identity';
A = A, or A is not only A but also B, so A = B, which continues as B = C, whence it follows that A = C, etc. .., so simple and logic should be. An evolution from the concept-word-sentence-the one or more sentences or propositions, and finally the conclusion, the argument or arguments ...
- There are all kinds of logic and methods: there is thus the 'deductie' method or secondary method, whose syllogism the proto-type. And there is also evidence from the experience and the facts that set of rules and tries to prove, namely the 'induction'.
- Logica think teaching is also in the meta-physical sense, as the organizing principle in the concepts and memory file, the "agent intellect" of a transcendent origin should be (for Aristotle).
Still, logic is a more practical discipline to better thinking.
- The True should always be sought to achieve true communication, reasonable argumentation and even true science and knowledge.
Up there the search for the True ...

B. What is the Beautiful? The clean is another highlight for our commitment and action.
- This clean out is also a section that more or less meta-physical nature, namely, as the definition of 'clean' itself. What is clean or beauty? What, after striving to achieve beauty? When is someone or something beautiful or clean?
- Possible answer: if something, someone or the image of someone or something 'like', pleasing or agreeable. But what is the prerequisite and condition to give birth, to please or be pleasant? Here lies the deeper nature of the beautiful.
- A certain order, harmony and above are reasonable or logical, guarantee the pleasure of something or someone.
- The ideal image, or the full model conforming to the definition of something or someone, and one must call clean. A man is truly as clean as all the trimmings the right sizes and proportions, harmonious and balanced. Then he creates delight and he is comfortable in his surroundings ... in short, he is a nice man.
- The true ground of beauty must be sought mi-yes, of course, pleasing, and pleasant, but please himself describes his 'ground' and in principle it is reasonable or logical, functional and harmonious in its forms and content. Everything is so clean pleases to call, because the blind can 'see' and admired.
- In addition to the theory of beauty there is also the 'art', which is the practical part of it.
Art is first and foremost an act which the ideal "to be" in harmony and proportion to achieve; ie it also help with the perfection of both the 'as beings. This can manifest itself in such beauty care, maintenance and also through imitation sculptures, paintings and other images in both plastic forms or even in word and sound.
- For Plato, the image or painting only a secondary and even tertiary beauty, as this was only an image of a person for example, would take it but a "cast" was the idea as existing, human transcendental.
- For Aristotle, art was more of a perfect 'imitatie'-albeit usually in an improved performance.
- For Kant was something 'clean' when its parts are arranged so that thereby the conformity of imagination and understanding is obtained. Beauty had to subject himself earlier in the watchful look, than in the admired object; as the 'inner' of things could still not known, and only affections of those things could be observed.
- Art is thus an ability, a mimic, a sense of impressions, which the artist by his own expressions again brought out. As previously said, art is the most-
individueelste expression of the most-individueelste impression or emotion ..
- Art is the reality usually depict an idealized and improved method and display, and in turn strive for the "transcendental" perfect, logical and reasonable ...

C. The third winner is the Good.
- According to the ideas of Plato-hiƫrarche the Good the supreme value, which should be pursued. The Good and the True and the Beautiful is an abstract concept, but that is understood by all, but not always in the same manner seen.
- It was good for Plato the Godhead itself, and the most divine among the ideas. Previously by the Epicureans 'good' equated with 'good life', which was followed and taken to be ... Good life according to certain rules in righteousness, temperance, courage and especially in ie according to the golden mean of Aristotle, was the motto. It would be the "bliss" result.
- The Good was primarily an ethical or moral objective ... What is life? ... According to your conscience as Christians teach? Kant was to achieve this by adhering to his "categorical imperatives". "Live so that your lifestyle can be seen as" Act ".. and never use the man as a means but always as a goal .."
- Live honest and virtuous according to the rules of the 'logic' as it were, so it belongs. Live well, not only to avoid temporary or eternal punishment, but because it simply as 'hear', and thus the most logical course of action. Virtues should simply be logical ...
- Life according to your conscience, or conscience, is to live according to reason and logic, a logic that is somewhat compelling, but still a free choice of do's and don'ts. Man throughout history has always believed his good deeds and censured or punished for his evil deeds, and always was and is supposed, that he acts in freedom can imagine. Because without that freedom of action, he can never be held responsible, and has no true ethics.
- Live 'right', so you live well, to the 'slogan' for good ethics and morals.

- After a brief overview to have about the 'three heads' from philosophy, one must conclude that each of these three as 'idol' or example may apply and should encourage imitation.
- All three do they strive to create the 'higher' and the 'transcendent'.
- Both the True and the Beautiful and the Good are ideal as towering above the ordinary life that for "more and better 'demands.
"Excelsior" is the motive for these toppers to reach ...

- But, all three values ??latest in a certain 'logic', both the True, the Beautiful and the Good according to the logical path and reasonable deal can be reached.
- The true basis for a practical and good lifestyle for which the True, the Beautiful and the Good are the sign, is the logic or reasonableness.

- True, will be the closest to the "logic" involved, because it is also a term or concept is 'home made'.
- Beauty requires a logical harmony and balance in everything.
- Goodness finally asks for the correct and logical way of life and an insight to the real happiness to come.

- The "logic" (the Logos?) Where all strive, both his and his causality is finality, is therefore the 'transcendent self, which man in his freedom to desire, crave, and even worship.

- The 'logic' man finds himself back in, since he partakes of the 'absolute consciousness' that the 'logic' itself.
-According to Hegel: "everything is a step in the development of the absolute Idea, and the reason is not the reality and the reality of reason not to leave" ... or "E = mc2 = Psy" ...?

-What three large heads can lead us ...!

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