Fri 19 Oct, 2012 12:19 pm
what are some of your family sayings
my grandmother (maternal) had a few choice sayings
it's a grand old life, if you don't weaken
for free take, for buy why waste time (she was scottish)
he's feeling his neck (he's acting/feeling guilty)
good god a friday.
(means oh ****)
gram has actually said "oh ****" approximately 5 times in her life, and really meant every one of them...
My aunt:
He's a crumbum!
(or maybe it was crumb bum, I've never seen it written)
My grandmother referred to payday as the day "the Ghost walks." (She didn't know the origin of the expression, but just that the miners--her mother ran a boarding house in a mining town--always said that.)
If she was particularly hungry, she would say: "I'm so hungry my stomach thinks my throat's been cut.
If she encountered to much resistance to her ideas, she would say: "You think your way, and i'll think mine."
A warning about possible punishment was "you'll get the back of my hand!"
When I was a little kid every time I came in the house my mother would tell me “Go clean that shmutz off your face” .
Another thing my mother would always says is “Never stick anything in your ear but your elbow”
From my grandmother:
savage amusement -- anything from rock-n-roll to football
I'm just after doing it -- I'm done
doodle-ahs -- covers a variety of nasty substances
dirty blaggard -- unsavory character
Luke McGlook -- a bumpkin, an unkempt person
piazza -- front porch
gravy -- spaghetti sauce
Irish as Paddy's pig -- Irish
two-boat Irish -- from Newfoundland but of Irish descent
lace-curtain Irish -- well to do
shanty Irish -- not well-to-do
bake-a-bean -- Protestant
why-o -- Italian
were ya born on a raft? -- close the door