Well hardly izzy. The Constitution is based on the principles of democracy and charging what the traffic will bear.
The Romans had a saying "auri sacra fames". They had arrived at a sense of the sacramental, or spiritual, virtue of the indefinitely extensible higher want of mankind for more. And woman of course. I'm inclined to think that woman has a greater need for more than us poor chaps. It is a need which self-authenticating.
But the Romans had a much lower threshold for the "saturation point" because what they wanted more of were tangible objects which have physical limitations which impose a mechanical limit to to their accumulation. The Gold Standard.
In the Christian nations, and especially the USA, the most Christian nation of all, this physical limit has been dispensed with. Our higher wants for more are credit instruments. (All we want is a bank balance, and a bit of skirt in a taxi.) The bank too wants a bank balance. So does the State.
Credit gives us an income charged on the community, in which we all have a share according the modern Tory Party thinking, or a boost to our self esteem. A spiritual income so to speak.
In either case there is no "saturation point". Both are indefinitely extensible and are not quantitatively related to any tangible facts. Credit is infinitely extensible in both the financial area and in that incomprehensible zone associated with being praised and admired for which the female of the species is justly famed. As are an increasing number of men some of whom go so far in that direction that they can only be distinguished from females biologically.
Sharia Law as it seems to operate does not have this characteristic to anywhere near the same extent we do although I think the urge to imitate us is growing and powering most of the unrest.
Where the natural resources of a country permits this indefinite extension of credit, it seems to be the case that it will take place in democratic conditions and in those countries which are not democratic, and more limited resources are at the disposal of a small elite, its members very readily and enthusiastically approach our condition and often overpass it.
There is nothing to be done about it. It will fulfill the destiny that an all-seeing Providence has provided for it.