Mon 8 Oct, 2012 08:23 pm
need help with 2 answers please
72a a living soul a???ne
63d leading female expert (besides me lol i wish) d???n?e
62a i have seditious (treasonous)
78a " ennead (groupe of nine)
48d " costa del sol (spains mediterranean coast 5,3,3)
64d " tankard (ale holder)
much appreciated in anticipation...have a great day.......rob
female expert is doyenne.
I;d say living soul would likely be anima, if there are actually five letters instead of the six you have.
hi jack thanks for your answer doyenne fits for 63d
anima wont fit there are 6 letters a?y?ne (a living soul)
i thought it might be anyone?
yeah, actually "anyone" makes a sort of perverse sense with the clue. very sneaky of them.
72a = ANYONE
(pays to check robken, has been answered here several times)